Intel+阿里巴巴雙劍合璧 AI 實時 3D 田徑追踪 2020 推出

Intel 和阿里巴巴日前宣布,合作運用人工智能技術,開發一套立體實時追踪田徑動員動態的技術,目標是在 2020 東京奧運會時推出。
過去教練要收集田徑運動員在運動時的動態資料,需要使用特殊的感測器或者需要運動員穿上特殊的感測服裝,而今次 Intel 與阿里巴巴團隊開發的方技術,就只是使用多部攝影機,結合電腦視覺和 AI 深度學習算法,來生成運動員的 3D 模式,教練就可以抽取出複雜的實時生物力學數據,以分析選手的表現和制訂強化訓練計劃。
這項技術運用了 Intel 現有和將來的硬件,結合阿里巴巴的雲端運算技術。 Intel 執行副總裁兼數據中心集團總經理 Navin Shenoy 表示,這項技術不單可改善訓練過程,還有潛質提升實際比賽時觀眾的體驗。他們預期這技術有望成為觀眾體驗奧運會方式的改變者,並為電視台在即時重播中分析賽事上創造出全新的方式。

Intel and Alibaba on Jan. 7, 2019, announced that the companies are developing athlete tracking technology powered by artificial intelligence that is aimed to be deployed at the Olympic Games 2020 and beyond. The technology uses Intel hardware and Alibaba cloud computing technology. Computer vision with AI deep learning algorithms will generate a 3D Mesh that enables coaches and trainers to extract intricate real-time biomechanical data from which they can analyze performance and introduce new training enhancements. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
Intel and Alibaba on Jan. 7, 2019, announced that the companies are developing athlete tracking technology powered by artificial intelligence that is aimed to be deployed at the Olympic Games 2020 and beyond. The technology uses Intel hardware and Alibaba cloud computing technology. Computer vision with AI deep learning algorithms will generate a 3D Mesh that enables coaches and trainers to extract intricate real-time biomechanical data from which they can analyze performance and introduce new training enhancements. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

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